A good SEO initiative can have a huge impact on making your site search engine friendly and improving your rank. When considering a search engine optimization (seo) firm, however, it is critical that you do your homework, since a reputable seo firm can help improve your site, but an unscrupulous firm using deceitful practices can ruin your reputation and your site. With this in mind, here are some important SEO points to keep in mind:
Since search engine spiders comb your site finding keywords or phrases for indexing, it is important to pay attention to your content. The key here, though, is to use keywords and keyword phrases wisely, since keyword spamming is frowned upon by search engines. Content should be well-written and geared to your target market with solid keyword phrases.
Relevant links are a must if you want to increase page rank. These must be from reputable sites that provide content relevant to your site. Be aware, though, that link farms and link exchanges offer practices that can get you banned from search engines, so it is best to stay away from them. The lesson here: Not just any link will do.
There are no magic tricks, nobody has exclusive knowledge, and results do not happen instantaneously. A well-optimized site, with work done consistently, is the only way to gain or maintain page rank. If you can’t devote the time to do this yourself, then a reputable SEO firm is the route to go.
These are just a few of the tricks that should never, under any circumstances, be used:
There are many reputable resources on the Web, which will help you learn for yourself what is needed to optimize your site and gain page rank. If, however, you find that you don’t have the time to undertake a task like this—because it does take time and work—make sure you thoroughly check out the SEO firm. Ask for testimonials from other clients, what their practices are, and make sure you understand what exactly they will do. If an SEO firm does not have an interest in helping you to understand something, you need to find another firm. Remember that you are responsible for your site. It will be you that gains or loses, so it is in your best interest to be informed and be aware.