Need answers about us? Please select from the FAQ selections below, and don't forget to visit our About page for more information.
Web Design FAQ - A selection of frequently asked questions from clients, plus topics that we thought you should know before entering into a Web Design Contract.
Web Design Case Studies - This section provides information on how featured clients have gone to the head of the class by using our services.
Web Design Process - The process and steps involved in building your site and bringing it to a “live” status on the Internet.
Years of experience has allowed us to learn a thing or two, so we are using this section to compile some of our articles that will help you learn as well. Stay tuned as we add more of our articles.
Export URLs - Wordpress - Easy way to get all URLs for a Wordpress site. No plugins, no extra data to bog up the results.
What is an Online Workforce - Are you wondering what the buzzword is all about? Here's how it is related to Virtual Assistance and to JSDVS, and a basic overview.
Hiring A Website Designer - Things to look for and ask about when considering hiring web designer.
Web Designers You Should Not Hire - Some tell-tale signs of a designer/developer or Web firm you should not hire.
What You Need to Sell Online - Know what you need to get started with an e-commerce site.
Mistakes in Web Design - Not an exhaustive list, but some of the major offenses committed in web site design.
Search Engine Optimization - Some points you need to know about getting a better page rank and SEO tricks to avoid.
No site should be complete without passing on great information. Here we strive to help you find some of what we believe are reliable and helpful sites, services and tools.
Elijah Donaldson - Web Dev, Social Media Management, Marketing and unparalled scripting and coding skills. Professional, accurate and results driven.
Google Developers Mobile Friendly Test - You have to have a mobile friendly site to make it in Google's mobile search. Test your site. - No site should have broken links. Well, this site offers to check for free.
PHP Jabbers - Excellent resource for scripts with unparalleled service and support. They also customize scripts to suit your needs perfectly. - Form Mail, Form Encryption, and Hosted Forms. Superior support!
Color Scheme Generator - Excellent resource for coming up with great color schemes for your next web design project by
Lorem Ipsum - Need filler text for that project you are working on or just want to know more about Lorem Ipson?
FreshBooks Cloud Accounting - Online invoicing services, employee time sheets, document and contact management, reports.
Website Magazine - Web Site Magazine is a free trade publication, online and print magazine.
Mive Merchant Hosting - Top of the line e-commerce application and hosting. Excellent support and hosting environment.
Ionos - Top of the line, yet affordable, web host and domain registration service. - Free hosting with a $35 domain registration. No banners, ads or pop ups. Excellent support and service.
We're quite proud of the great people and organizations that we call friends, so we'd like to introduce you, so you might get to know them too.
Fox Hill Farm Leather - Novelty helmets, goggles, bells, pins, stickers, patches & more. Retail and wholesale online store.
Dual Sport Touring - Located in East Tennessee with the Smoky Mountains, they use the stuff they sell and only sell the best products to their motorcycle clientele.
Greener Builders, P.O. Box 275, Seymour TN 37865, +1.865.389.3934 - Full service general contractor specializing in one of a kind residences, remodeling, commercial projects, and more. Exquisite outcomes with a moral conscience, which is hard to find today!!